Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Priori

Six years I have worked in the service of orphans. Perhaps four I have longed to tell their stories.

This blog attempts to fulfill my grand ambition, as I've had numerous false starts and tangible stops when writing in the lone and incorrigibly unsatisfied company of my self. My hope is that by sharing my raw voice with an immeasurable and potentially vast ether of readers, I will suffer the obligation to keep on going, despite any trite drivel potentially spewing forth, and I will finally complete what I have been compelled, but so far too unfocused, to put down in print.

It's worth a try, anyway.

We do love to indulge ourselves in these online formats. Something about them encourages us to soliloquize copiously. We gush on and on ... At least, that is what I have observed. For practical reasons, I hope to become inflicted with the same disorder as many millions of good people; although until now, I have never been a "blogger." This blog, therefore, is an experiment to discover if I too will suffer likewise, and thus consequently complete something substantial in length. My hypothesis is that I will gush on like my newfound blogosphere compatriots, and I will subsequently amass an ample enough inventory of anecdotes to somehow add up to ye old standard-length book. And then I hope the prose quality is adequate enough to warrant publication by a respectable publishing house.

We'll see.


In case you were wondering ... The title of my tale, "Our Little Angels," comes straight from the mouth of the maintenance supervisor in the facility where I am employed. (People -- unexpected people -- say the darnedest things.) I will reveal more about the title in the narrative to come -- be on the lookout!

For now, I hope in advance you can forgive any banality, clutter, incompleteness, or lack of polish to my writing. Hopefully this blog will someday make its way into a published, distributed, and mass-marketed form, fully edited and polished by professionals. And the underlying blog will be relegated to the status of historical artifact, a rudimentary catalyst of something grand, a testament to the power of simply doing what your heart desires and letting the pros make you look good. And if you've read this blog and felt compelled to buy the book, I hope you will have enjoyed everything you read authored by me.

With deep appreciation,

David Lee Cummings
February 23, 2007


Please note: All material published in this blog ( is the sole property and copyright of David Lee Cummings of Cincinnati, OH.

© 2007 David Lee Cummings

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